Advanced Training

There are three ways we can help you share you faith.

(1) A set of The Pilgrimage leaflets

This is a simple tool you can use to share your faith with your Muslim friend or contact, without having to know a lot about Islam.

It is a set of five leaflets that use both the Holy Bible and the Holy Koran. They will give you a wonderful, natural opening to sit down and share your faith with a Muslim friend in a friendly, open, non-combative way. Your Muslim friend will delight with what the leaflets say, because they help them start their prayer relationship with God.
Click to get leaflets.

(2) Cross cultural workshops

In three consecutive nights you will learn how to confidently meet, befriend and share your faith with your migrant neighbours who have come from other cultures.


  • Share your faith with people of other faiths
  • Learn how to communicate cross-culturally
  • Clarify a call from God to cross-cultural mission
  • Strengthen your faith to contextualise the gospel
  • Share your amazing experiences in leading others to Christ

Click now and see where the next workshop will be held.

(3) An advanced course on Islam and Loving our Neighbours.

If you have a sense that God is calling you to minister in a loving and caring way to Muslim migrants in New Zealand we recommend our advanced course.

This is a 15 week course, involving 110 hours of training. The modules are provided as powerpoints, with a series of five questionnaires, three case-studies and an action plan to complete. There will be 20 contact hours with the teachers, delivered over Skype. This course will prepare graduates for active participation in a Friends of Friends Fellowship.

We have three intakes a year, commencing 1 February, 15 May and 1 September. Please register your interest here, at least two weeks before the start of the course you would like to take.